Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Neighbors with skinny legs

While out in the yard this evening I noticed some of the neighbors out for a walk.  Up here that is not unusual on nice days and even when I think it is  too damn cold out, they are out walking.  We picked a bad spot to be on a very popular corner as they all come by here and carefully check us out to make sure we are not violating some HOA rule… Today’s group was a bit different.  I don’t think they will file too many complaints other than they were not happy with one of the neighbors barking dogs? 



All total there were 14 counted but might have been a few more?  I was busy with my own duties but they were slowing walking to the west into the sun around this house… supposed to be in the streets and not on private property checking things out, they did fine something that interested them at the corner of the this neighbors garage as several stopped to peck at the ground there?  I kept at my project out and pretty soon the some dog was barking profusely and then pretty quick all the “walkers” come trotting back by headed back the other way… They should complain about the noisy dogs but doubt they will…

One more thing for today goes into the “food for thought” category.  A few comments were made about how people are so busy staring at their phones they do really stupid things like walk into poles, off cliffs, into water features, etc.…

“Our addiction to technology is changing the way our society works.  I’m not some luddite, trying to turn back the clock to some "simpler" time. Technology is amazing. Advancement in medicine has saved innumerable lives… and improved the quality of those lives. Technology and the Internet increase productivity in the workplace, and allow us to communicate with people all over the world.  At the same time, we’re retreating into our digital worlds and trying to offload our human needs to the Internet.”

I see this everywhere and wonder… Definitely think some of the younger folks need a bit more social interaction with out the phone?  just my thoughts… I know, I am old, but I too probably spend way too much time on these things but I don’t live for or on Facebook, Twitter or any of those other Social replacement technologies.    I spend my spare time on the original social media… Ham Radio… ha!