Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Windmills, Great-Grandsons, and other things

Ok, I am really bad here… just noticed I had a lot of pictures set back that I had not taken time to make sense of… Seems the busier I get the less I want to do?  Something close to being retired I think?

First up are two that I got way back in August of ?different? things… We were on our way to Lakewood and stopped for early morning breakfast at Carls… one of our “got to places”  and on the street out front I got this…


That ditch is deep and filled with water and they had to pull this out of the ditch?  not sure what he was doing or what they were on but you can see it whacked the curb here in front, missed the stop sign, and fire plug and ended up in the ditch… aaaah, don’t try to say the brakes quit or locked up cause no signs of that… just over the bank… yea, the dog did it… that it.


This, from all appearance is how that thing is made… it has not been in a crunch or squeeze by some big trucks or something… at least I don’t think so I am not sure if it all slides in all directions or not but having seals on that would be a mystery…

Anyway on one of our trips back to the farms we stopped to check on the “wind mills” going up out there.  Was a great day to stop as no one was around so I got some pictures , learned a little and moved on…


Them things are really long…ha! of course we already knew that but in this position it looks even longer…


And they have teeth!

Last week, Great Grandpa came out for a short visit.  Hey he is 92 and the only help he needs is someone else to drive… so SIL brought him out to visit. 

We took him to visit all over the place… as much as we could… We made a run up to Cripple Creek… down here it was all fog and clouds but as we pop up to Woodland park the sun came out and it was sunny up there…


This was after we made the circle to Cripple Creek and you can see the clouds and fog rolling up the valleys to the east as we come back into Woodland Park from west…


We circled Newmont’s mine hole… whew they are just moving the whole damn mountain between Cripple Creek and Victor.. blast it out here, move it over there and then leach it to get the gold out… it must be working as much as they are doing and this has been going on for 10 to 15 years now.  It is hard to get a size on this but way over in the middle of the picture is a 3 story work building/shop for the operations.

Of course we had hoped the colors would be a little bit brighter but in spots it was vibrant…



even though we are about the same elevation here that front had all the moisture and fog pushed up against the mountains out here…




Here the Great Grandsons are explaining about Lightening McQueen and other intriguing facts…

We got each on to picture up with GGrandpa…


Our GS#1 but I have lost count on where this places him in the GGS list?


Out #3… he had no problem jumping up for pictures..


Our GS#2.  He had problems at first and after a dozen shot and a lot of prompting he got a little smile…


The more people and kids you put in the picture the harder it is for them to all be looking and focused… Best I could do here.

Ok that catches up some of the more important pictures out here… I should try to do a much better job of keeping up with things… but…


Most of the time this is all you see… or even think to picture and post… fake coyote and fake cactus… that ain’t interesting… but what is is the date… late August

and the grass is green and tall way out in the dry areas… that is how unusual this summer had been… wet, wet, wet for this country.