Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


It was the 40th anniversary of my 29th

That is what I have been telling people.  I Do Not Have Birthdays anymore.  I think I am old enough.  I also am sure I don’t want to get older, Like some 60 years ago. 

So what does a day like this consist of?  In my life it is the same as all others, pretty much. 

I was up early because I had an appointment to get the oi/filter changed in the Jeep, yes covid does require appointments if you want it done right, and living in town I really don’t want to pull it out on ramps in the driveway and spill oil \all over to get the stupid filter off that is ‘ON TOP” of the engine… and then find a place that would take used oil… Remember the days when I did all this myself and didn’t think much about doing it but today the hassle equates to get an appointment and have them take care of the mess and disposal. 

Next I figured I should get into the attic because our only means of cooling had stopped and we have 3 more days of needing it.  We have a “Whole House” fan mounted that draws air in via the windows (when it cools down outside) and expels it out the vents in the roof.  Well that quit 2 days ago, or at least I thought it quit and even so I had to get up there to pull the fan motor to get it replace.  Well when I got up there I found that the duct pipe to the fan had come off (no suction , just stir the air in the attic).  I got back down and gathered up some temporary repairs (Duct Tape) and went back up and got the large (about 22 inch diameter) flexible duct on to the inlet of the fan and attempted to secure it with what I had available.  Then a little engineering occurred that the way it was installed allowed for excess pull on the duct pipe which would over time pull it loose again so I got down again and gathered up some more supplies (a form of strapping – old used cable tv line) and went back up to tie off the duct a bit further back in hopes of less stress on the connection to the fan.  The real answer would be to get a better strapping that pulled much tighter around the duct that attached to the fan but I got a temporary fix in. 

Next is was off to get gas before my weekly cheap coupon wore out.  Explanation: I have T-Mobile service and on Tuesday they send out a message about getting discounts for particular items.  Well ever since we have had it we can sign up for a 10cent discount per gallon of gas at Shell stations.  And I had earlier signed up for a 5 cent discount and if I fill up with 5 gallons or more 6 times in 3 months I get to keep that 5 cents and add in the T-mobile credit I get 15 cents off at the local Shell station. So when they are near the other stations and with my 15cents cheaper I fill up there.  Ok, back to the main story.  I got to the Shell and ……….they were out of gas, all pumps.  CRAP lost opportunity this week.  So I went to Home Depot.

Why Home Depot? to get a better strap for the Whole house fan.  I decided on getting some cargo tie down straps (cheapest solution) and I can tighten it up pretty good as it has a ratchet on it… to finish that job tomorrow when the attic is cooler as it was damn hot up there after lunch.

Next I cooled down a bit and had a few calls from family about my Anniversary… Even had the neighbor come over and sing that awful song to me.. oh well the thought was nice.  I then offered to take Sherrie out for dinner so we went to her favorite place and got Hot Mex food at Arlenes Beans.  Just as hot as ever.  But damn good. 

Last on the list I had an online meeting with some Amateur radio friends to discuss next months technical presentation for the club meeting.  It would seem that I have several people fooled into believing that I know something about some things technical?  The one thing I do know is that I have learned hot to pass that off real well, sort of like a politician.  You know, express opinions that sound good but never actually producing and answer or results.  or Promise and change the subject before you have to deliver.

Now I am putting this all down so I can remember how great a day it was…

Thank you to all that wrote, send cards, and otherwise wished me well in my Anniversary of the day.