Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Things that make you go ?

Just another week here, although trying our best to get an open night to go see NEOWISE.  I would like to wait and watch it next time around but that 6667 year rotation might be a problem. 

So to the history of the past few weeks.  We were in OK at the first of the month and on the way home we had to stop in Brahman to catch up with Sherries Dad.  Still driving, still going out for breakfast, and I am guessing he will outlive all of us.  Anyway the big city of Brahman has a small café that was open so he was there. 


Proof we stopped there.


interesting clock on what I am guessing had been the bank of years ago but I think it is now the Senior center or something like that.  Ain’t much in Brahman so I may have missed stuff?


South Main…


North Main.

And yes there were two cars there, almost identical.  I didn’t catch that while taking the shots but humm.

I have been spending my time working on ham radio projects.  I have an airplane on the work table but just can’t get fired up to finish it.  Maybe next week? nope, guess we are heading back to OK for a short trip to take care of some Dr. return visits, and take care of a little business.  Maybe the next week?   I have gotten my set of RemoteRig units working and have remoted my Icom7100 at home so hope to be able to access that radio from ? where ever.  Also have done some updates on the programming of the other radios, gotten the Wires-X node working ok although it is still just a PDN node and no big antennas so it covers the neighborhood only.  It is more for learning projects and testing.  

I have been getting in most of my 2 to 3 times a week long walks ( over 3 miles and sometimes 5 in about an hour to 1.5 hours) No one really likes to walk with me as I get focused and walk a bit faster and for sure is never a Leisure walk.  To keep the stride going I have a radio and Bluetooth headset and tune it to Oldies Rock and Roll.  Amazing how that seems to push your speed to the rhythm. 

The heat out hear as picked up a lot.  We are getting up into the 90’s some days…whew!.  ha, I know I lived in OK a long time and July and Aug with heat index of 120 and spent almost 10 years commuting to the middle of the Sahara and there we did see temps up in the 130’s and 140’s during the summer.  For those people that tell you “but it is dry heat” that is crap.  HOT is HOT but humidity will make it miserable in the shade. 

Our big problem here this year is that with the heat it builds up rain showers nearly ever late afternoon and evening and that has cuts any chance of visible Neowise, although I see posts that some get lucky and see it in the breaks.  The good issue is that it cools off a lot under a storm here – something like 20 to 30 degrees.  The house here has no air conditioning so we depend on those cooling systems and a big whole hose fan to get it back down at night.  some mornings I wake up grabbing for cover as it may have dropped to the low 60’s in the house.  Really nice.

Last week we made a trip to Canon , picked up my sister and went to Big Burger World for a Green Chili Slopper.  then take that to the park and “social distance” and have lunch under the trees with the Arkansas River just a few hundred feet away and if I could hear, we hear the river as it makes it’s way east. We had a nice visit and had intended to get by Colin Orchard to pick up some fresh peaches but just plain forgot on the way home.  Might have to make a trip as soon as we get back to see if they have any left, likely will be Western Slope peaches but that is ok too.

Odd, I was thinking on that a few weeks ago and I have lived near that river for a big portion of my life.  I had 2 years on the Rio Grande drainage, and 12 years on the North Canadian and 12 on the Red River out of my total.   

Beyond that we did get out Saturday and visit the Black Forest Farmers Market.  The first vegetable stand , of all things, was run by people from Florence near Canon City.  Anyway we got a few items there and of course wore out masks as did everyone over the age of 5. 


Yes this area is just north of the community center but shows the scars of the fire from 5 or 6 years ago.  wiped out a large area of the Black Forest.


Adding a little bit of yesterday in the view.


Specialty breads.  I for sure thing we need to go check out some of the others.


More of the damage and view up there.


For Sean, no we didn’t try them, maybe next time?


Area for the kids and there were two food trucks on that path as well.  They said they had over 50 vendors.


The vegetable vendor from Florence.


I had to make a run to the local Safeway a few days ago and when I came out this was parked next to me.  Sure would like to have one of these. That would be a lot of fun to be out Every Sunday with the top down and just cruising…oh well.  It was in really good condition and not sure I would have left it there un-attended but looked real good inside and out.

Up last is that one that just make you go WHAT?


I am very sure there is a real purpose to this but I will be damned if I can see what it is.  Get out the shop vac and vacuum up the front yard.  She was out there for a pretty long time.  GS#1 and I went for sandwiches and brought them back and had lunch and then when I was leaving she was still out there but had moved down to and area behind the flowers… I guess when you don’t have enough to do, get out and vacuum the front yard.