Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Hot and Humid and Odd

I have been busy doing what we have to do.  With all the recent shut down, stay home, etc. we missed a lot of medical checkups.  Nothing really major but stuff that normally happens in the spring for us to get checked out.  On my Ham Radio hobby I came across a really good priced used radio to set up for a Wire-x node and had to make a quick trip to Denver to pick it up before we journeyed off to Oklahoma.  Nothing exciting about that other than this ODD site in the middle of a street up there..


Needles to say that squirrel was way too slow and now is way too FLAT but his tail still works…

We arrived in Oklahoma and the weather was actually really pleasant.  in the low 90’s. I stopped at the Flying J in Tonkawa for gas as my Gasbuddy app said it was cheap gas.  and sure enough the sign out front was comparatively cheap…


But the actual price on the pump was no where near that price?


It pays to double check some of these things.  I think it is a trick and a lot of people, especially the lady that couldn’t figure out how to pull up to a pump to fill up on the opposite side (posted earlier) .  In fact I figure not many even look at these things because when I went in to enquire about the price before I pumped gas the attendant had to go out and look and then said, “It is corporate that sets those pumps and the sign, I will have to call them”. So I went on to Stillwater as I hadn’t been fooled by a “FAKE NEWS” sign.

Next up was a procedure for Sherrie that had been put off last summer.  It went fine and now she is capturing sand in a cup, if you know what that is… So we too it easy for the weekend, met up with some of her friends and found that most of the places we go to eat are still takeout for the most part, and even those that are open for sure are cut back to 50% at best. 

Monday we visited our favorite dentist and got some long delayed scratching and sanding done,  We also took Mom’s dog in for here late annual physical.  Being 11 years old she gets a but more checking, they call it Geriatric checking.  But she is in better shape than we are for that age… Still we left a chunk of money with the Vet for that checkup. 

Tuesday I took the car in for the 5000 mile service (a free tire rotation)? Not sure it was worth the wait but it is free.  Then I took off for Enid and the farms.  First stop was to visit Mom and Dad…


Still got flowers out and they were different than what I had left in there last winter.  Although I liked the ones I had in there better.  Then I ventured on off to the farms for a “drive-by”.

From a distance I looked at the old home place (we don’t own that anymore).


Some of the trees are in bad shape and appears that Dad’s pecans have been taken out.  If you don’t tenderly take care of them in the hardland they won’t survive.    Then on to the place to the west.  They are, it appears, finishing up the pipeline that crossed there.  working on spreading back the saved topsoil.



Then on to the farm on the highway and nothing really changed there.  Then on south by Uncle Bud’s old place.  the house is long gone and now the old barn is too.


Times change and so does methods but that old barn was an interesting structure of the past.  Oh well we are tearing out monuments all over the country why not a few in the farmland?

Along the road back to Stillwater I caught these “flat” guys on there farm. 


I think he has been out there a long time.


Hope he is not planning on this one helping either.

Next on my list of things to do I finally got the new TV mounted in the front of the motorhome.  The old really heavy, tube tv crapped out so I got a much lighter flat screen that does it all.  I then got a small sound bar for the bottom area to fill in part of the space and now I need to make up some blocks for the ends of that and it will look just fine.


In the dark it is hard to tell that there are about 3 1/2 inch spaces on each end of the sound bar that need somethings to close that up.  I even got the Bose remote to work with that TV, after a lot of internet searching.  The code in the book didn’t work and the first alternate that was listed didn’t work but way down in some of the online posts I found a much different code and it did work so that is nice one that works it all. I next will have to get some double side tape or ? to lock the bar down on the risers I built to hold it up at base level.  But getting much closer.

While I was feeling the urge I also defrosted the Refrig.  The ones in RV’s tend to ice up real bad and outs hadn’t been done in ???? couple years or more and actually hadn’t been shut off because we use it every month so just leave it on with stuff we need when we get back… but on to the de-icing and once you star that you just as well scrub it all down clean.


Here it is in the de-icing process with maybe half that ice in the upper left corner melting down, at about this point you can work on it a bit and pull the whole big chunk out.  but all the shelves and drawers have been sanitized and cleaned.  In the process I found that the drain for the ice was blocked up and disconnected from the drain outlet on the back side so I had to fix that as well…

This is way too busy for me in a week, no real time to do a lot of fun stuff… ha!

Then on Wednesday we had skin doctor check to get checked out for those pesky skin cancers. I was lucky, didn’t have any, Sherrie had a couple small ones that got froze off. I did have a ? rash on my leg that I got cream for so maybe it will smooth out.  When I got back I found nephew had almost run the mower off in the pond. Up close to the pond the soil is slick and the tires on the mower are turf tires (oh yea it is a big heavy zero turn unit).  when I looked out he was just trying to pull it back up on the bank but his small strap broke and it was slowly rolling down into the pond. He was hurling obscenities and trying to grab it enough to get the wheels lock back… he did get it stopped at a point that the water was up to the bottom of the “rear’ engine.  I grabbed what I had left here for a tow rope and the come along winch to see if we could inch it back up the hill a little. 

But luck and a few prayers we did get it pulled back on dry land, up the hill enough to get it turned and pull it up out off the front of the dam. I am pissed I didn’t get pictures of that as it would be funny now.  not so when it was happening, All I have are the skid marks.


OH well.  Along with that today I was expecting a package to arrive but seems it will be delayed a few more days.  Very upsetting that you order it a week earlier, and pay to have 2 day shipping and then find out that the place you order form doesn’t ship on the weekend and so it didn’t get out till Monday then along with that I am sure they didn’t put it in Priority shipping , for which I paid for, and now it may not get here till Friday or maybe Saturday or Maybe who knows… so I am having the Post office forward it on.

This morning early I got out before it got hot (was still damn hot but got a couple small things accomplished.  We have a tree that started to lean.  Not sure if it is because it didn’t take deep root, (the neighbor waters a lot) or that something else is causing it to lean but in the recent high winds it seems to be leaning even more?


I also worked on the automatic watering for the flower beds to get it so the rest of what is alive doesn’t die, I hope.  Then we packed it up and tomorrow we are back to where it is much cooler… At least for a few weeks.