Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Pine forest…

Ok, been awhile since an update and not much happens when your “safer at home”… I have worked on updated some hotspot software, updates to some code plugs and caught a recent 10 meter opening (probably just sporadic E stuff but got some anyway).  In reality I need two more states to finish up WAS from this QTH on 10 meter.  but neither of them were within the opening at least not that I could hear… so I keep looking and it will happen , some day.  Beyond that exercise I am working very slowly on my next airplane… I am not happy with how it is coming together but maybe it will turn out ok?


Hopefully it will resemble a B-25 when I get a lot more pieces put on… ?

A weekend ago we took off Sunday for a drive/meeting back in the country to see the grandsons.  they had all gone to a spot to do some gold panning… of course the campground where we met was closed but since there are numerous hiking trails in that area there was a parking area outside the locked gate… We walked down in to the large stream/river  to meet up and on the way down… this huge rock sticks out..


It kind of appears to be a turtle or ? Anyway was interesting… Oh and there were a lot of people there, lots of hikers taking the trails back and several people just playing in the steam at a bridge crossing.

We had a fun time there and then we all headed our various ways back home… on our way out I spotted this and got a picture since I couldn’t tell what the sign over the door was…


Oh, I guess you still can’t tell , so


I am sure they named it way before the 60’s but that was a popular saying back then… and could be used as a hello, or question, or “What was that” type saying… neat old school building anyway and on the left was a “remade” updated log cabin…


and on the right was either another cabin or barn or ?   I tried to find this school by google but no mention that I could see, although there was the largest Colorado wildfire in that area back in 2002 and it was called the Hayman fire


Not sure, looks like an updated cabin with shed and corral but could have been a bunkhouse too?

It was an interesting place. 

On our way back out from Lake George I had spotted a chuck wagon on a hill and finally we found it so I had to pull over and walk back to get a picture…


On my walk along the road I found a torn off tag…


I am sure someone from AL or having visited there is not happy now… the interesting things you can find when  you get out and look…

Beyond all that this week I have done a little walking (few miles at a time), and, because we live in the pine trees, raking and bagging the “excess” pine needles more as a safety precaution for fire hazard than need for the grass and weeds to grow… This is the front yard…


Less about 6 bags I have slipped into the weekly trash pickup… It may take me until mid summer to get the back yard done and there is a lot of dead limbs to pickup and haul out as well… but hey, I always have something to do… getting it done is another problem that we won’t discuss.