Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


In the west–life goes on

Well a lot has happened in the past month or so since I had time to update.  Actually it has been about 6 weeks as I can see. 

First up, yes we got that new car and have put way more miles on it than we anticipated.  In that driving we found that the Navigation lady was super lazy.  We would put in a destination or hit the speech button and ask for a location and sometimes she would talk and sometimes not.  What a crock of crap.  A new car and some of that fancy electronics won’t work.  The navigation worked fine, got the maps and would show directions but the voice behind it might or might not tell us when to turn or other things… That was somewhat of an ordeal in that we had 3 dealerships look at it and had to contact the Customer Care  and finally got a guy that had been working on that issue and had helped put out a technical service bulletin.  Now knowing just enough about computers to be dangerous I would have suspected it to be software issues but turns out , according to them, it was the amplifier? not sure how that links in but yesterday they replaced that amplifier for the radio system and that thing is located under the center console?  So it took them over 5 h ours to get all the stuff off of it and replace it and get all the stuff back on top… it worked today when we picked it back up but time will be the telling issue on this problem…

Next up… the weather out here is pretty fickle this year… This was the scenes in Mid September..


But we have already in October had two snows and pretty large ones at that…and expect another big one coming in later this week from Sunday through Wednesday.. they tell us to expect…WHAT!

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Last week it was about 8 inches here and this next they are saying 6 to 18?   Well at least the last was on very warm ground so it is pretty much gone now… so we can put a new layer on top…? So much for that, moving on…

Some weeks ago I made a trip to Walmart… the Martians were in force and camped in the parking lot…


Note the generator… running…

About the same time I made a run through McD’s for tea and found the Pueblo Posse parked there…


I think they are Bronco fans… ?

On our way in from one of our trips I captured the smoke cloud from the "Decker Fire”  A big one that has burned for nearly a month. 


On October 4th Sherrie started her ordeal with a cancer treatment.  She opted to start with chemo but after the first treatment and knowing that chemo would only gain a 10% reduction in it coming back she now will not continue chemo and go ahead with the radiation of the area of her leg that they removed the big cancer tumor from… and wait to see if and where it might return… at present they can’t find any other signs…


The start was to get a port, anticipating more than one chemo trip but after the first nearly wiped her out we won’t do that until absolutely necessary…

We were just about to get some good color here in early October..


Then a really cold front came down and everything went brown…

On some brighter notes.  We have a favorite Mexican eatery in Castle Rock we visit, spotted there shirts… hummmm.


Maybe a week or so ago when Sherrie finally got enough strength to make a trip we took off for Canon City to visit my sister and get a big Green Chili Burger… that sure was good… Sorry we ate it but there are pictures of the same thing here somewhere?    with my new camera I have not been as good at taking pictures, although some of them do turn out pretty cool and this I got on the way back from Canon City…


Just interesting how they are feathered up and hanging on the mountains…


This was a dark looking storm but wasn’t that much by the time we got to the Springs… some rain but not all that bad…

Oh and the storm we had last week…We drove home from Denver in the beginning of it… and the next morning I had an appointment  in town so took off and this is what I saw just out from the house.  Lot of people stuck and in the ditch…



Last up for the pictures… on my way home from a drop off or pick up or ?  anyway I drove past the Who-Doos – North Nevada… on top of some of the rocks I though I saw a ? buzzard or ?  not sure but after getting back and blowing the picture up some… it was some guy that had hicked to the top to look…


In this blow up it kind of looks like a big vulture but that is way deceiving as those rocks are really large… so closer…


With that I have posted an update to previous happening here.  Not too much and probably way too little… but enough for me to remember what we did… sort of…ha!