Calendar Post by Month

January 2025


Just busy so I have gotten a few pictures

Early in the month we had a lot of rain and storms and captured these.


This was on the 4th as we went to watch the fireworks…?  See the Eagle? Maybe?


Rolling off the mountains


Another big build


Cool the way you can see so far and how big they really are… and looking close the rainbow is there as well as the hail…

I had and old friend… yet one I had not met in the 14 years we have conversed??? He came out to visit since his daughter lives in Wilson, WY now he just made a loop down and we had two days to do a little visiting and touring…


Garden of the Gods – we got there way early and the sun was on the other side but got it anyway.  Kissing Camels.


Kevin and Donna – they went to get pictures near the Balanced Rock…


Went on up to CrippleCreak… didnt get picture in Cripple creek as they were not into Gambling and Casions but made a good pit stop. Then on around the mine/mountain.  They dig a huge hole on one side and put it up on the other.  moving mountains…


Ok how huge is it???? you might ask… well there is a very small dot in the lower center of the picture…


That was the dot!… with out the magnification I had no idea it was a bus… I got a few pics in Victor, not a lot since I have shot it a several other times but…


Great painted building signs… gotta lover them.


This is only to show the town have people but nearly vacant building await your input… but this coming weekend the town will be full with Gold Rush Days celebration…


Great old gruck, redone for the Four Seasion Landscaping unit…


Tonights sunset… pretty vivid…




So goes my week.  I did have several projects in Radio stuff. 

I had to completely redo my APRS/Pi station.  the SD card got corrupted or something so it was a start all over and I spent nearly a day getting all the little things back in it but … it works again.  It is a Raspberry Pi 3B+ , 7 inch screen, TNCPi, and my old yeasu 1900 radio and it is running as an APRS IGate … no TX hooked up… I also had to upgrade all my Hotspots (yes I have too many)… new software on all of them, upgrades, and upgraded some of the small screen with some new screen files… I like this one but it only comes in a 2.4 inch so far… I haven’t gotten the urge to tear into it and see if I can make it work on a3.2 or the 7 inch yet… but if no one does I may well get into that next month? that will be a week long project or more for me to figure all the function out..


It is a touch screen and by touching the right spots you get options to do a lot more than most of my old ones..


I see a lot of research here in just figuring out where all the stuff comes and goes before I cand change the size of the screens… and each piece woudl require a change in size as well… oh well, something for later.

That aobut covers what I got pictures of, there was a lot of other things… just didn’t figure on taking pictures of it all.