Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Dog Sitting, weird weather and other things of life

Well, finally the extra dogs have gone home.  Two big problem dogs that get into anything and everything.  One has a “THING” about getting ton the trash or Kleenex waste and then tears it up and spreads it all over.  The other sneaks around and anything that could be food he tries to get to.  I think they are an obnoxious pair that shed horribly but their family likes them so we offer to take care of them when needed… They actually are pretty sweet dogs but tend to be an issue that I don’t need.  Something about getting older and lack of tolerance for extra issues, or lack of patience or ?  Anyhow that was a 10 day ordeal that is over for now.

I did find a little time last week to finish up another airplane I had promised to a friend.  Anyway this one is done and hanging out of the way as I contemplate the next one that I have thought I would build for 2 year and hadn’t started but maybe now?  The one just done..




I thought that the cans were appropriate as we are both “ham radio people”

This is what it looked like over a week ago as I was still fussing with some of the construction.


It too has a control dash but hard to see once I put the canopy on it ..


Last week I made another trip down to the OSU geology camp to visit with Tim and help him get some antennas lines up in the trees… and on my way back we got behind this guy hauling hay? 


No hay in the trunk… look hard, he put some plastic over the top of his open trunk lid,,, then put the bale on top of that up against the back window… I think it will be a really long day if he has many bales to haul..

Also last week and the week before I spent time raking the pine needles in my yard.  I had hired someone to do it but they haven’t shown up or called back so I got into it and got most of it raked up into one pile and now will have to bag it and slip those bags into the trash since I don’t want to be like the guy above and haul it little bits at a time in the car or jeep…


It will likely take me months to get one big back a week out of there?  think?

As Usual when here, I went to the W0TLM Monday meeting and that was enjoyable as usual..(notice they are putting up the videos of most of the monthly presentations).

Beyond all this fun I made the local Wednesday night “free” music in the park.  I like Jazz but Sherrie is not too found of it and since the pine trees are pollen rich she is having serious issues with the pollen and decided not to go but I went and like it…

The Band was out of Denver Dotsero and this was a promo video they have done..

On the way home from that I captured a pretty nice sunset…


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Then today they had predicted a storm moving in and colder weather but this morning it was nice so I got in my second 2.5 mile walk this week and by noon it was a bit over 70 degrees then the clouds started to build and it got dark blue to the north then in 3 hours it dropped about 30 degrees and is in the mid 40’s late this afternoon.  They are predicting snow in the mountains above 9500 ft.… and on the news a couple of ski areas will be open this weekend and possibly for July 4th?  so that is summer this year or will it come in late with a vengeance? hope not but can’t out guess it.

When the temps drop like that … the pavement out front steams or fogs… funny to watch.



So that is the things going here.  Till something else breaks or new commands come down….