Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Automobiles and Flying Machines

Times passes way to quickly these days.  No sooner do I think I am getting caught up than I am way behind again… Could it be a memory problem as well?

Finally, the snow has stopped… I think.  Our last big snow was on May 20th +/-, but now we are in the “rainy” season… Out here that means it clouds up sometime after noon, might rain, might now and usually not a lot… although we do get more hail than we need at times.  The big activities the past few weeks for me have been going to more of the local “free” offerings.  I made the local Photography group meeting last month… really interesting from a semi-pro photographer on “action shooting” .  hope I can remember so of what he said..I also made the Palmer Lake Historical Society meeting last month and the presentation there was about the Singing Cowboys.  Great presentation where she mixed in some of the early music, movies, pictures and covered a lot of the early ones then Gene Autry and Roy Rogers, etc.… At the end of the month it was the perennial Air Force Graduation show..  We didn’t go on the Academy to watch but you can see the air show from a lot of location east of the Academy.  This year seemed a bit less than years past.  I think one reason is they had to hold off because the President was a bit late, it took a bit longer, then he had to leave as soon as the “hat toss” and first fly over was done… so while he was exiting the base the ‘’T-birds had to circle north for 20 or more minutes… and it seems one of the T-Birds got hit by a wayward bird in the first pass so he had to return to Peterson to check things out and that left the number at 5 so they only did a “shortened” version of what we had seen in some years past… but still pretty impressive..




Lots of smoke trails and crossing runs at each other from all directions… Lucky that the clouds weren’t much worse…

Wednesday I made a trip down to visit with Tim at the OSU geology camp… helped him get some antenna lines up over some 40 or 50 ft. trees since I have a air powered spud gun that can shoot a 2 oz. lead egg maybe a hundred feet up depending on the angles and stuff.  it worked pretty good to get some lines up pretty high , although he is in a really bad canyon spot and hard to get a signal out but he said he was getting out a little so that was a success…

This week I finally made one of the “interview” session for money.  I have been filling in the applications for a group in Denver that does interviews for various ideas, projects, etc.… anyway I had to make a run to Denver (downtown-sucks) and do a 2 plus hour session with 8 others. but I got paid pretty good for the trip… I can do that every so often…

Sherrie found a battery car (Lightening) for not much so we made a run to Castle Rock to pick that up and did some back roads on the way up and back… few that we hadn’t been on before… and … you never know what you can find..




Best left for the experts to decipher…

On the way back we took another back road and found and Antenna Farm… no big towers though..


Hard to tell but there is  a pretty big building off to the right… gate said AT&T… Calling the Aliens I think..

When the pavement ran out an the signs indicated it could get pretty muddy… we came around a few corners and pretty nice area then found this old homestead… house is gone but the barn , washhouse and Silo are still there in a really nice south facing area below the rock ridge… I could live in a place like that… can’t see or hear any neighbors in there…


We left that spot and looking south you could see the afternoon clouds were bouncing up… they said this one produces some quarter size hail on the north side of the Springs…


Today was the annual Canon City Car show.  They have a real nice show, plenty of vintage cars to look at.  Here are the Orange ones – I like Orange in these older cars, and a few unusual ones…









Then the unusual…


I think he called it the “limited edition”.

This one I got for Amy… Although it wasn’t a convertible she had one for about 2 weeks or less?  It got totaled by some lady with a stuck accelerator, that just totally back up and over the back end…


Then as I was getting my souvenir T-shirt I notice this… don’t think it applies here but it sure did when I was younger..


That catches up with a few of the things done here lately…