Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Recent Activities

So what have we been doing?  not much in the real sense but seems I am always busy? I actually have more things to do than I really want to get started on but always am doing something.  Seems I do get slower at doing some of the things I plan to ?  But that is just how it goes…

I did finish up a biwing plane for a friend… and sent it off to him..


I need to get started on another one.  I have a lot of cans that I had planned to turn into planes but just don’t work on it enough…

I have also been working on several DMR/Star hotspot upgrades.  I figured to upgrade to a faster Pi board on some that had the room and also put some cooling fans on the ones that were enclosed too much and ran hot.  Just tinker work but I enjoy it and it is somewhere entertaining for me…

So when I was getting ready to rework the ones for Pi 3A+ boards I find I don’t want the extra wires hanging on the outside so I converted them to hold the little USB to TTL converter inside the case..


Thi is the USB to TTL converter that allows the hotpost to utilize a Nextion screen with touch controls. I had to take the USB plug off the end to direct wire it on to the board.  Space problems again.


Here I hooked up the wires to the onboard USB then up and direct to the converter.


Here it is all in the small box, wires run out to the screen and the modem mounted on the Pi board… I have built a couple of these and then no pictures yet of the modification to a couple others to get fans inside the small cases… yes they are small fans.

Next up was a birthday last weekend… so we took them out to lunch and dinner that day… Her choice and it was RTacos?…


One of those two or both, gave me a cold (I think) a month ago and I still have the damn thing… it seems to come and go but won’t leave…

Next up was Easter… and the obligatory egg hunt. 


Ac tually he had several.  made on in Palmer Lake and then spent much of the day hunting in our front yard and his Daddy doing a great job of hiding… not sure but he might be getting good enough to find them faster than Dad hid them? 

Today we took off for a late lunch… lot of places closed for Easter but we figured to try one that we say we are going to but haven’t for over a year and found it open so tried the little German spot in Palmer Lake (The Stube) … not an extensive menu but plenty to choose from… I got the Sausage plate with 3 different types layed out on grilled cabbage… picked from a list of 6…It was pretty good.


Of course I taste tested before I got the picture… and you got german mustard, german ketchup and a berry paste for them…

Sherrie went with the late breakfast special of “French toast” yea in a german resturant?  with scrambled eggs and bacon… I think she got the better plate this time, evern though the sausaghe was pretty good that breakfast plate was amazing..


And more than half of that came home…

Right now we are having spring showers.  cloud up and drip a bit then clear up and sun a bit then cloud up again… not enough rain to measure but just enough to be wet… mountain type  stuff… So it is back to a project… oh now I am putting to gether wind spinners and likley will focuse on some more humming birds soon… all out of recycled aluminum cans… something to do with all those coke and beer cans? 
