Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


I been busy

Well all I can say is that I have been real busy the past 3 weeks or so.   Looking back I guess it has been almost a month since last time I made an update… oh well. 

The night before the next snow storm was clear and perfect for the big Lunar Eclipse..


OK, after the 19th  and the snow then damn if it didn’t snow again twice that next week.  The snow got pretty deep and I had to clear out the area in the back so I could get the trash out…


Now I am not saying i was that deep everywhere but at the back gate… damn stuff was about 4 ft deep and I needed to move it back some…



I got the trash out but of course the collectors were delayed due to the blizzard the day before… oh well..

Then I had to work on some ice dams and rake down some off the roof valley so I would drain off.


That was as as I could reach with a rake and standing on a ladder… so this week I bought a 21 ft extendable roof rake… at least I can get it moved away from the edge and a little sun on the edge will keep it moving… I hope. 

Friday the 25th I had done enough so loaded up and hit the road back to OK for the weekend.  No one else here wants to make weekend trips so I went by myself but hey OSU had a big match on Sunday and I could catch a double header BB on Saturday… to top that off I needed to check on one of the farms where they were setting up to plug and old well.    Of course they weren’t doing anything this weekend so nothing to see there.

On the way down I took time to check out the larged Chech egg…


Along with the big egg I found this..


An operational telephone booth with a real old pay phone in it…

After the weekend of wrestling, and BB games I loaded back up and was in Colorado by 4pm, just in time to run the snow blower again on the front drive and the path to the back so I could get the trash out again on Tuesday… It was a small snow , only about 4 inches to move but did blow a little so some drifts a bit more some a bit less…

Since it is that time of year I worked a little on taxes and then Wed we went out to breakfast and I stopped to have my jeep windshiled repairs in hopes of diverting the need for a new one… I got two pits filled and on crack sealed… well that didn’t work but that was later I find that out…

On Thursday we were up early again and off to Denver.  Had to check in before 7 to make sure the grandsons all got off to school as Amy was off to have her knee repaired.


I got GS#1 to the bus stop but he couldn’t set with Grandpa too long as his friends were showing up so out he went to stand and wait… I get back to the house and GS#2 got up and came down to lay with Grandma before he had to get ready for school… We got him off to his school at 9am and back to house to check on the workers doing the remodel of the basement… Then we were off to meet Ryan and GS#3 for lunch and bring GS#3 back to the house as Ryan had a Dr visit to check out his thumb.  I stayed at the house to watch GS#3 while Grandma went for GS#2 at 3pm pickup.  Not much watching when there are a lot of toys to play with… Since I was pretty much done and planning the trip out Friday I left  about 4pm, but shortly before that Ryan called that he was going to have surgery the next week on his broken thumb.  Yea he got tripped and fell into the door corner and fractured his thumb so we have one kid with knee surgery just done and another surgery up for next week… hummm sounds like a weekend trip to Oklahoma again… I loaded my stuff and hit the road by 4:30 am Friday and got to Stillwater in plenty of time to grab my tickets and be off for the Friday wrestling match.  That was fun…   On the way down I caught this sunrise.


I have been seeing a lot of sunrise and sunsets lately…

Saturday morning I made a trip to the farm.  They at least had the workover rig in and had the tubing pulled but not much else had been done.   So I headed on up to Enid to check the cemetary, moved some flowers and check on things.  On my way in I got some lunch then went by Grandma’s old house…


Still has her I on the front screen door… but looking pretty rough now and the neighborhood hasn’t gotten any better either…

I made a run down a few of the nearby streets and one that I didn’t remember being on but found a metal collector… and in his yard he has several old cars..


Some old ambulances and hidden behind some blocks and another couple in the front of the yard I see some old EDSELs… They need to be renovated but not by me… ha!

I got back to stillwater in time to catch the Men BB game and of all things they won that one… they haven’t been so lucky lately so nice to see a win. 

Sunday was another wrestling match and that one was a big closer, even if the score doesn’t reflect it there were several really close matches at some of the weights. 

Then Mondday it was back to the farm and the crew was in and waiting on pumps and cement and mud to get started on the plugging…


A bit like old times… just glad I had no part in the work as they had several problems… parted production casing so they couldnt get the bridge plug set over the zone… then while pumping the mud it comes up on the far side of the well indicating a hole in the surface casing as well… so no plugs today a they had to get more mud to fully circulate the well then plugs tomorrow but I have to be back in Colorado Tuesday night so we can get Ryan to the Denver hospital to have his thumb fixed… so…

Tuesday morning early , again, I was off and it was foggy in oklahoma but when I hit Kansas it was freezing fog…, but the roads were ok… I got to Salina and had to knock off the ice so the wipers would work on the windshield and the headlights would shine a bit… and now it was 17 degrees… it was about 40 when I left… As I headed west it turned into snow showers… and damn cold… all the way to Colby Ks… I stopped there for gas and about 10 miles west it turned back into freezing fog but the temps were back up rom 16 to 30… and in 53 miles (Colorado State line) it was 35 degrees ??? then in 20 more miles the sun came out and by the time I got to Limon it was 52 degrees… now that is strange weather… small loop of damn cold air slipping down out in Kansas… oh well. 

So, Wednesday we were up early and out the door by 7 headed for the Denver hospital… it was foggy here too… we got to the hospital and it was turning colder… and then by 10 it was snowing hard… Ryan did fine, got released by 1pm and good thing, the city streets had about 4 inches of snow on them … but as we head south it gets less and less and by Castle Rock it was not much so we stopped for a late lunch… then on in to Monument…

Next morning when I got up (practice had me getting up way too early)… I found it was DAMN COLD!…


It was about –6 when I got up and by mid afternoon we had got all the way up to 17 degrees… but we weren’t getting the ice that hit Stillwater and shut down the schools… that helped — some.

The rest of the week I did a little taxes and worked on a project of getting my mobile radio hotspot boxed up and bigger screens on them so I can see them from at least 4 or 5 ft away… ha!


The hotspots in the box and the big 5 volt battery to run them


The screens laying in the top of the box so the lid will close…


The screen piece set up in with the lid holding it so you can see them.  and work the touch screens.


pull the screens out in front of the box to access the stuff inside…

I can lay it all in the box and close the lid or prop the screens up on the box or in front of it… I also put a power converted in the box to take 12 volt and charge my 5 volt battery or run the hotspots… still have a little finish work to do but it is nearing completing…

Saturday I got out and made a 2 mile walk as the weather was not too bad… just 38 degrees … and found some neighborhood kids had their own hockey rink set up with lights…


It is not big but serves the purpose to practice and skate…

Oh and I had to make a run to Walmart and this caught my eye… if you don’t have a dog but you want to act like you do…


Just get a windo sticker…

And that brings me up todate…