Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


After the new year

Well, we made it through the new year.  No big deal for us…

The week after we had Sherries sister up for a visit.  I think she just needed a break?  We didn’t do anything exciting that week.  It was cold but we only got a very little bit of snow then so it wasn’t horrible but we still didn’t do a lot of “tourist” type things. 

We did make a trip up to Denver on one of the nicer days and had a visit with the Grandsons… On New Years day…


Here #2 is telling Elaine some wild story about his Jewbacca doll?

The next week we made a run back up and caught a Hockey game with GS#1 and it was right after his birthday…  #1 turned 13 right after the new year but seems I didn’t get any good pictures of him till we all went to his selection for lunch… CHUY’s… He likes it so we go and deal with it…


I am not sure what the issue is but GS#1 is not interested… has his own thing to keep up with… We all visited for awhile then started for home. All this holiday season I have been trying to find ‘holiday “ decorated cans… Cokes, Beer, ? anything in cans I can use to make things with but no one put out Holiday cans this year or at least nothing that was decently decorated.  Maybe we have become too politically correct to do that now.  So on the way home from that trip we stopped at a place called Tipsy’s.  This place is huge and normally carries something of everything and it is right on our way home from the kids in Lakewood… not hard to find and it is nearly as big as a Bass Pro Shop… well not really as it does have a wine bar on one side and a deli and stuff on the other… but it is huge..They had gotten in a very few holiday cans but were sold out real quick so nothing left by the time I got there.  Oh well, next year. I have a few left to start on but will be a bit thin till I can find some good cans…

While there found this very interesting bar stool? 


I think it was for sale and likely you can get a full set… so if your looking for the really unique gift… this might be the place…

Shortly after all that we gathered up and made our monthly journey back to Oklahoma… we were here to attend a few BB games, and tend to family stuff and … make sure we warmed up a bit… that didn’t work out so well… but better than it could have been… once we got here it came on a big rain has been cloudy most of the week.. and now the temps are bouncing around 33 degrees… not sure that is better than the 10 to 20 back in Colorado but is a bit better than the 12 to 18 inches of snow they got this past weekend… I guess I should be in South Texas or AZ… and top that off with my brother calls this afternoon (from Houston) and said it was cold there… was 60 degrees… well it can get a lot colder in Houston but I told him that enjoy the few months of spring they have cause the rest of the year is hot hot hot summer… like from mid March to mid December… and the humidity is … horrible but every place has it drawbacks… We should be back on the Road Tuesday… early.  likely will have another trip down for more games, fun and ? here later this month.  No sense just setting in all the time, need to get out and move around some. 

Maybe I will get more industrious and take more pictures?