Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Christmas over and on to …

Well, we survived another Christmas.  Gifts for the kids, over abundance of food, and someone in the family passed out a collection of UGLY SWEATERS!… In the future that persone will be easy to spot as they won’t be wearing these…



They should be good for the family gatherings next year or the Hockey group ungle sweater contest ?  or the family that dresses together is weird? 

And no I can’t be blamed for this one I have one of those… HO HO HO!

The younger boys tore into the packages like buzz saws.  even got into helping everyone else get into the packages…


WHAT IS IT Grandma?…

Then top that off with the neighbor brining over a plate of cookies, like we needed the extra sugur and fat…


Cute plate of cookies and the one I had was way rich… but Thanks to the Riegert’s for that.   But as you can tell in this picture we had two big cakes , a Rum cake that Ryan made and that green thing with tons of frosting from the Goodpasture house… and I had gotten a couple of pies that looked really good ,  long time since I had a good Sweet Potatoe pie but I saw one and bought it… and had to try it too…

Today was a day of stuff.  I had some things to run by the financial advisors office and at each stop I am leaving some of the excess of angels I had made this fall… to the post office to mail some things off, and to Comcast to complain about the bill.  They are getting worse than the cell phone outfits with promotions, catches, contracts, early termination fees, etc…  I am thinking of putting up the TV antennas and searching out cheaper alternatives for internet and security?  we had a 3 in 1 package that I thought was a bit high when we got it but the others wanted it for approximately $150 we had fast internet, 3 tvs, DVR, security, and all working , I bumped the speed up so we wouldn’t have  a problem too in that package but they keep dropping the specials off the package… so I got ride of the cheap tv box last year then this year I took in the 2nd tv box and we are down to one TV with DVR… the security and internet and the bill jumped up to $197 and the TV package is the bottom line they offer?  Still about 135 too many channels (it is a 140 channel package)… well I took off 25 by cutting off the extra TV and dropping the speed increase that I never seem to get?  but the guys numbers didn’t add up “ the bill will drop to $172”… but if we cut out all the extras and only keep internet it is still $100 a month? I think they are sticking it to us up here but we have few alternatives right now.  Well,  I do,  I don’t watch TV but I want to keep living in the house so I have to deal with what others want.  oh well…

On my last trip to town today I saw this and it struck me… what do you do when you are the tow truck and you break down?


You call out the big guys to haul you in… a first for me to see the tow truck being towed…

So, now we  prepare for New Years… I don’t expect I will be attending any big parties… just quietly celebrate or whine that time just is going way too fast anymore.