Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Christmas Letter 2018

Christmas Letter 2018

Another year in the books (almost) and damn it went fast… what the heck is the deal here. 60 years ago we just couldn’t wait and things seemed to grind on forever… as we looked forward to holidays, special events and other occasions… Now it is CRAP! I just got them all Christmas gifts and CRAP! We just had birthdays and GEEEEEZ I have to go through this again? Where did the time go, I thought for sure I had time to get it all done…

Once retired I found out what my parents were saying is true. There just isn’t enough time to get it all done and we wonder how we had time to work and vacation and ????? Oh well…

This past year we have endured several snow storms… most we didn’t pay much attention to as “why fight it”… have another cup of hot tea… it will melt soon… but we did have a snow blower and we did use it a couple of times… but this fall we had a big storm… I shoveled some of the snow out and we got the blower for the bigger area… it ran fine… got it all blown off and then as Ryan let it idle down and got things read to pull it back in the garage… POOP… it stopped? It would crank, it was locked up… further review showed the rod just broke… I guess lucky it broke on idle and was such that it appears no other damage was done but on the far end of the scale. They don’t make that particular engine anymore… there is only one in captivity and they want $500 for it… HELL that is more than we spent on the whole used blower? More on that later…

In January this year I did finish up a couple of airplanes for a friend (I really need to do a few more – maybe this winter). Then we got a big snow on Jan 21st… hummmm just stay inside yea that’s it. Then it warmed up again and I made a run to a ham radio fest north of Denver and it was near 65 degrees out in Feb!… We were making our monthly trips back to OK to see Sherries Dad… he is doing great, likely will outlive all of us… oh we saw Jack Sparrow in the Springs and Mad Maxx of the plains…


We have been eating pretty good but haven’t been to Arlene’s in a while. Need to get back in there for these:


In late March we had made several trips to see GS#2 and we took in a school (pre-school) musical

It was too nice on one of the trips back to OK so I had to do a little fishing in our backyard pond… That was fun and should have done a lot more.

We are pretty healthy so far, no big issues but last May was my bi-annual that is now only once every 5 years UP-Scope check… In May I made a couple old car shows… I enjoy looking and dreaming but that is about all there is to it… actually we need a new car more than I need an old car… ha!

I got some things semi-right as all the boys like the sandboxes I built last year…


In July we got out on a road trip and fought the crowds to the top of Mt Evans… best thing was using our “ancient visitors pass=free” .


In late August I took GS#1 to see Bents old Fort while Sherrie spent the day with #2 and #3..


In late August we made a trip to see old friends in Grand Junction… that was such a great weekend..


We made trips home for all but one of the FB games… and to Denver and to a couple fall craft and art shows in the area… and then… DAMN it was fall again and the trees were changing


I am still making angels… but this year the can selection is horrible… I have a few left form last year’s collections


GS#3 has been watching a lot of old cowboy shows… and his Dad took him to Dodge City and stopped to see the stuff about Gun smoke, etc.… and now..


So far this last fall we have made most of the BB games both men’s and women’s and the Wrestling matches…

WE were home last week and took Elmore out for a big steak dinner, he says that is all he wants for Christmas so I am very happy to oblige as they is a great steak house in Ponca City… beyond all that things are the same but yet never the same… We spend about half our time in OK and half in CO… when we get too much of one we go to the other. No big projects this year. Other than I spent a lot more time doing radio stuff and working on radio projects… It keeps me out of the bars… We have made several trips down to my sister’s new home. A really nice place with a great view. She was even nice enough to invite us down for Thanksgiving… what a feast we had there… Somewhere, and I don’t think I reported on it, my brother came up from Houston and stayed at my Sisters for a week and we all got together for a couple of days… took in some music, some visiting and a few other things and had our yearly family meeting… for the LLC business you know…

Beyond all those things we are busy as ever, traveling a lot between Colo and OK, keeping up all the stuff and grandma gets plenty of time with the boys… that is the main reason for being in Colo as we are close to all the grandkids and can visit any time we need a fix… (And not over stay our welcome)… ha! So till next year or next blog post… Merry Christmas and to hell with political correctness… oh and Happy New Year!..