Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


T-Day and things

Ok, slow again but I have been a bit busy.   No excuses just the facts… I have fought the blog thing in a move to a new host for 3 weeks and even thought some things are not like I want them it is working as good as the old site.  With that and other things it makes one busy… last week was the big T-Day.  We had been in OK but traveled back to Colorado for a small gathering… half the family was going to take the late vacation that the fires last summer delayed so they went to Pagosa and did some skiing and other stuff.  One story I heard is the youngest can’t stand the sulpher hot springs and was gagging and ready to throw up??? too bad a good hot soak would be great in my opinion… oh well… So we had a small thing planned and then got an invite from my sister – the one up on the mountain… to come up and have Tday with them… ok then some real home cooked stuff… We had a ham we fixed in the crock pot and some brownies and took off ( a two hour drive)… up to her place.  At least we were not the last ones there… ha! It was a great day, great time, great food… spending time with all her family that we seldom get to see these days… just too spread out… but they were all there and as I said the food was great..


had to eat before pictures…


well there was a lot more before all this… but at least we hadn’t wiped out the pies, yet… ha!

Oh and the other great thing about her mountain house…


The view off the deck and even with the snow it was warm enough on the deck to set out in the mid afternoon for a bit…

She has some really really tame wildlife… they live in her yard…


This one is watching the dog – a Doberman – that neither one seems interested in the other but they do watch each other to make sure one is not getting more attention than the other…

My sister is the greatest.  She fixed most of that big meal and the day after was her birthday… Not sure I would put that much effort into all that fixing but she did it and then invited us to join. 

Well a few days after I let the turkey and ham settle out we loaded up and headed back to OK… a week of appointments, more family and things to check and take care of down here…

Oh on one f the trips up or back saw this and not sure I would agree but?


oh you can’t see it..



So we have made several Dr appointments, and two more tomorrow and I did a sleep test… everyone thinks I might have apnea?  not sure on that one but am sure the Dr will prescribe the CPAP as they like doing that… will see… the sleep test sucked… bed was hard, all those damn wires, how are you supposed to sleep so they can tell anything… they woke me up at 5am so I came back and went to bed… got another 4 hours from there… it was much better than the first 5 hours…

Today I went to the farm to check some things out with a well that is to be  plugged, no action yet, but did see this one the way in…


It is well past it’s prime.  actually the well caved in several years ago but the fan is now falling off too… although the tower looks to still be reasonably solid… so that is about it other than Ham Radio stuff and tinker work here.  fixing light switches in the house and tearing into a broken drain in the motorhome… as long as it gets decent warm in the day I can get some things done.