Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Snow to exercise

Well, I had planned to be on the road today but the snow from Sat night through till Monday morning prevented that.  I just wasn’t going to face slick or bad roads for 11 hours… so I sat on my duff all weekend.  Actually I am fighting with my websites and blog.  Trying to make a move to a new server and I find that the old database is not really available to me… and the copies I get by plugin software all come with errors, dropped links, missing data, etc.  the original site (that is still up) looks ok and pulls up all the links, pages, and posts.  It is just something in the transfer that doesn’t work.  So what have I done.  I spent a whole week trying to clean the database, filter out crap, make is smaller, and just about every attempt made one thing work and dropped two others… I have New loaded 5 wordpress directories and tested every possible method to get a working upload… when I was giving up and starting a fully new database by “hand entering” old posts I had gotten through 2.5 years of 9 moved into the new and then in checking… I turned off a couple of plugins that didn’t seem to work right and ..poof most of the stuff came up.  They tell you that you can upload by using downloaded XML files and that was how I was importing the old posts and then editing categories and deleting all tags… but the next load I made I went and checked a few of the new loads and ….hey they all showed up and looked correct, other than bad categories… so I was resigned to just go through and fix those parts of the data then… Hey! that bad plugin was in the last upload that “sort of worked” so I went to that version and de-activated it in there and poof they all came up with proper categories (for the most part).  So now I have two working copies on the new server (temp url) and I have the old one still working on the old server and I have one that is a jumbled up mess with a database that is twice too big. but has stuff I could pull out, I think.  I will do some limited work on it this week and maybe if it stays up on the temp url then I will have the temp pulled, do a backup of the old and save it on a different drive for history sake… do a backup of both temp , working sites then delete off the  new server all the junk that has accumulated in the attempts.. 

Just glad it got cold and snowy most of the week so it forced me (cold blooded) to stay in.   We had a bit of snow late last or early this week then warmed up a bit and then poof we got short of a foot of the stuff… I probably should have gotten out yesterday and shoveled or run the snowblower but hey it was 19deg F… way cold for me… so I waited…


In-between the storms we have noticed that there are maybe 4 or 5 deer that come up to the house… a couple of smaller one… maybe a last year fawn and a late this year fawn were up here the other afternoon and I got GS#3 up to see them with out scaring them off.  I thought for a minute they might come ring the doorbell they were that close… by the time my brain kicked in to second gear I grabbed the camera and …


The little one had moved off but was just the other side of the hedge in front of the window office and the one you can’t see is way down to the right bottom of the picture… with some imagination you can see the head and face more toward the center in that small hole of the bush…

They moved off to the west after chomping on some of my new grass out where the little one is… tender stuff…

Today, I got out, not so early, but way before anyone else here and “hand shoveled” half+ the drive and walk to the front door. 


It was fluffy snow and had settled some yesterday, even though it never got to the mid 20’s…

And sure enough, the deer had been up yesterday sometime in the snow but I missed them..


barely visible to the left of the center tree is their tracks (the older ones it appeared and when I got out and looked more there were several sets way off to the far tree line that came into the yard barely and stayed close to the trees before they crossed the road.  There were also tracks up to that bush on the far right then back between big tree and bushes then back out…

I betting if it is a cold snowy winter they are going to be ringing the doorbell asking for handouts!