Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


The trips get longer when the sun doesn’t shine.

We made another tip back to OK for the weekend game.  That sucked big time and the sun didn’t shine…

Before we left it was really nice here.  in the upper 70’s and lot of pretty flowers..


nice weather to get out and put in a couple of miles in the mornings… easy to deal with… Then we drove home and it was decent there Wed and Thursday. I got a couple of needed Chores done.  had to get the motor home out and exercise it… fill the propane tank for winter weather, and get the oil and filter changed… I got all that done Thursday but it was OUCH… about $350 dollars later I had the fall service work done… oh well, just money right?

Friday morning I had a few more things to get done so stopped at Braums for a quick breakfast and this was waiting in the parking lot..


Amazing how he or she sat way back against the seat back and looked “mostly” ahead waiting on someone to return…

Since the game was early and not fun, we packed it up and headed back Sunday morning.  We have plenty to do out here as well… The entire drive was on and off rain and clouds and some heavy rain then light rain then colder, colder, colder… started out at about 60 deg and when we pulled in out here it was 37!… At one of the pit stops I had to laugh at these..


a lot worse for wear… not moving, maybe hasn’t in awhile?


I think this guy hung on too long and the driver just never looked back…

Anyhow, getting back I went through the mail, bills etc.  tinkered a bit as the heater warmed up things so I could take a shower with out freezing up completely… and went to bed… this morning I got up, went to let the dog out and DAMN… Winter already?


and they predict more tomorrow, colder, before we get a little warm up..Where the HELL is that Indian Summer this year.  We usually have some nice days in the fall but with it starting like this I guess I better get the snow blower out and warmed up… make sure it will run before it gets too deep to worry about fixing it…