Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Slow week.

We got back to Colorado Monday evening and I took care of mail things… It has been a very up and down week.  We get here and the house is BLITZ cold… we had turned the thermostat down cause it had been warm and cool evenings and we didn’t need the heat coming on for that little bit of cool… but it had been really cool , like in the low 50’s some just before we got home so the upstairs being open windows and no heat was really cool.  So I lit the fireplace (gas) for a just in case it stayed too cool. 

I did get out and put in a few miles both Tuesday morning and Thursday morning and both mornings when I got out it was about 36 degrees… not bad in the sun but cold in the shade of the big pines… WE had thought about making a day trip for Aspen viewing and maybe other things on Friday but that fell through, although I did get out for a little Friday morning to see the next cold front roll in over the divide…


Actually that is just fog rolling down over Bald mountain about a mile north of the house… and the fog would get thick then clear then thick then clear but by noon it was really nice but in the upper 50’s…

So today we got a late start since it was really cloudy but figured to get out anyway…

Drove down to Canon City and had lunch in the park… then debated and chose to head north west up through Guffey and then over to Cripple Creek since they were having their big Aspen festival this weekend… This is what we found along the way..


And on the back “STREET” in Guffey


A great fixer-upper project… next to the Post Office too?


I liked this one but didn’t have a for sale sign out… sucks..

And the now defunct “Guffey Chicken Flying tower”  it used to be a big thing to toss the chicken off and see how far they could fly but the “do-gooders” got involved back in about 2003 and I believe they had to call a halt to the flying thing and now just have a rodeo…


Oh well all good things must come to an end.  

On the way over to CC I had noticed this carving before so stopped to get a picture and see that it is in bad decay…


But it was some big tree at one time and someone put a lot of effort in painting the carved out pieces..


The Aspen on both sides of Cripple Creek were in all shades of color… I wonder what or how they determine what color to end up as?  There were a lot of “golden” ones but also a lot of areas of bright orange.  has to be some chemical in those particular areas that cause the difference?   Maybe it is Gold?


Big area but zoom in a bit..


So that was the week, and ended in a pretty colorful day for a drive…