Glad I am not in the 2/3 of Americans with a job

Yea, just glad I saved, my dad saved, and I was lucky enough to retire… This is crazy..


Here’s President Reagan’s former budget advisor David Stockman in the Daily Reckoning:

[A]ccording to the Social Security Administration’s wage records, there were 100 million workers who held any kind of paying job during 2013, who earned a collective total of just $1.65 trillion that year. That amounts to the incredibly small sum of just $16,500 per average worker. And not for a small slice of the labor force but fully two-thirds of all Americans with a job.

No wonder we have so many on “free” status.. although a lot of the “welfare” recipients also have jobs?  that makes it even worse.. Maybe our illustrious

“And Now the Rest of the Story – “Glad I am not in the 2/3 of Americans with a job