Pollution out of control but no one cares – at least few seem to.

Here we are in an extremely fragile area in terms of environment.  Areas that receive normal rain get washed off regularly.  The water caused the growth of things that eat, breakdown or remove pollution.  You know the old saying – or maybe not if you didn’t work or study in Environment but it says “Dilutions is the Solution to Pollution”.  Actually that was usually said in a sarcastic way but in reality that is how it really works.  Anything in concentration is a bad thing when the concentration exceeds the natural ability to absorb it.

Here with almost no rain, no real soil, no vegetation, and no care for the environment it can appear to be a disaster.

Road side dumping

People live in

“And Now the Rest of the Story – “Pollution out of control but no one cares – at least few seem to.