Calendar Post by Month

October 2011


A day OFF, mentally speaking, almost.

Well, today the other guys were determined that they were going to play golf and had a morning T-time.  I declined to take that in as chasing little white balls is not my thing (see yesterdays post).  So I worked on some learning practice stuff, did some internal company web searching for info that I will need to know and generally hung out till about 10:30…  I then had to take back a headset that I had bought at Office Depot.  Damn thing was a USB type and it came up but would not work properly.  The Mic worked fine but never could get the headphones to work all the time.  Besides I figured it was too bulky to mess with so just took it back.  I also decided to do a bit of looking around since I had the time.  I had noticed there was a Mall north of the junction where we always went to eat… but never had gone over… Note: there are so many tall trees in spots here that you can’t see very far so you never know what is over on the other side.

As I took the junction road north and around a corner – there were a lot of restaurants up there and all the places I had drove miles for were just there hidden in the trees… places like Wal-Mart, Target, Academy, etc.… I guess I should use the GPS in my phone for stuff like that but figure there has to be some on the main roads and end up driving way out of the way… ha!.  Anyway on that road I spotted an old favorite – Pappadeaux as well as a Pappasitos.  That was it, I had to have some lunch there.  I had not been to one in well over 5 years so this was like old times…

Of course I got the seafood gumbo with sausage and ate it before the pictures – It did have the oysters in it and boy was it good… then the main course was the Crawfish half and half… with the dirty rice… boy was that good and half of that came home with me as it was way too much… note the empty cup from the gumbo in the upper right… man that was good but pricey, although the huge plate of food here was about 15% cheaper than the Chinese we had last night and better in my opinion.  I like Chinese at times but I prefer Cajun…



I didn’t get but one more picture of the restaurant as it was getting busy and hate to take pictures of people that do not know they are published… ha!..


When I was finished I headed out with my “later” bag and in the parking lot I watched (didn’t get pictures cause that would have been a bit obvious) a lady changing clothes… yep, right there in broad daylight in front of all that were passing by she was getting a change of clothes out of the back of their pickup and putting them on… first the stretch pants things they wear under a frilly dress??? looked kind of like panty hose but when she was done it was obvious they were some stretch tight pants… of course she had on here “Sunday dress” and was pulling these up under that but that does not leave a lot to the imagination… then she grabbed out a bra that must of matched the black outfit she was changing to and went around and got in the back of the 4 door pickup and next popped out on the other side dressed in a black frilly over those stretch pants and holding a Blue dress…  that went back into the back of the pickup – I assume she and her husband or ?  had suitcases of “spare parts” back there that the hard cover would lock in?  Anyway that was a site but no pictures, sorry…

Then in my drive back to the hotel, I spotted this in the parking lot across the way… pretty nice color…

2011-09-26-12.27.32 2011-09-26-12.27.482011-09-26-12.28.04

After all that I had to have a nap and then some more work on the searching of the company web for service reports and completion actions stuff… I am going to have to know how to find that stuff to do this audit job so I better get practiced up on getting it out in a useable format…



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