Calendar Post by Month

July 2011


Frogs and Doctors

I got a call just as I was getting up today from an old friend that still works at the same place I did.  He wanted to alert me to get on my business email and respond to some things about a possible job.  I jumped in the middle of that and put together what little I had but need some missing pieces (contract) from HR that may be real difficult to come up with.  I sent the emails requesting the info but who know if they will ever respond.  The possibility is just that, and I would guess it would not start for some time and is yet a thing to be defined.  But I sent my resume and paperwork just in case.

I also had a Doctor appointment at 11:30 to make. I was instructed by my family Dr. to have my upper back and neck checked out to see if some of my pains are related to that as opposed to the lower back which we know is a problem.  All I got today was , yes you do have some arthritis in your neck and shoulders but nothing unusual.  Just be sure we need to schedule a Cat Scan of that area.  oh boy more test to tell me not much.

After that I got home and had a short lunch then went out to do a few yard things.  it was hot but not overly hot like the past few days.  It still took everything I had and I had all kinds of pains and heat issues after just an hour or two and had to set and cool then back out to put in another couple of hours but I got an area near the new concrete work smoothed out and started watering it in hopes to have some grass take over that spot.  I then mowed the back area that is being watered and trimmed around the house rock work to smooth that all out.  I tried to pull out a fence post I had used to hold up a martin house but the damn ground is so hard it won’t budge.  I will have to set some water on it to loosen it up, maybe tomorrow.  My time consuming project was cleaning out the shop area.

I had just gone out to put water in the motor home batteries – keep them topped out and they will last a lot longer.  In the process I got the Wild Hair to clean out the front area of the shop,.  That meant moving all the junk away from the wall to sweep that side then move junk back and continuer on over to the other side.  It really needed it by damn on a hot day?  I sometimes get these wild hairs and veer off into other projects with out realizing how much it will take but I got it all done by 5pm.  The floor has been swept and many of the tools put back where they belong.  Some day I really need to build a storage box on the bottom of my shop smith to hold all that stuff that now occupies various places around.  That is for another day.

After all that I was pooped and didn’t get much more done until late in the evening.  About dark I have been going out – when it has cooled down some, and set on the back deck.  the past few days I have noticed that we have two little green tree frogs living on one of our hanging baskets.  They climb out about dark and last night it was funny to watch them wiggle the flower stems moving around until all of a sudden they would jump out onto the drip water hose that hangs into the pot then climb up and set on the main hose capturing small bugs.  I guess they do that all night long and all I can say is get with it guys your way behind.  This is a couple of pics of one of them that came out.



So far I have only counted three that are on the back deck at nightone lives on the main hose to the south end of the deck and two in this pot.  There may be more but that is all I have seen.

Last year they would get on the doors and windows as the light drew a lot of bugs to them – Frogs on door.  They may get that way again this year but for now they have plenty near the plants.

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