Calendar Post by Month

October 2011


The the most tiring days?

The most tiring days are those when you just can’t get into the subjects of the meeting you in and yet you have to be involved.   Today was one of those days.  In a process meeting from 9 to 5 and we accomplished little (in my view).  We jumped around a lot but maybe in the long run we did get some things worked out, and we just don’t realize it yet.  Morning session spent on updates to Global process maps, adding, deleting, changing things to fit our current operations.  Much of this would be much better if we were or had been out on some “play” audits to get a much better concept of the process.  Most of us know it but yet, checking it for being complete is different than doing it, or doing it wrong. 

The afternoon was spent reviewing the questions of an audit for one section (had 154 questions) and finding what we needed to change, do, etc.  Can you say  BORING?  

Tomorrow we have a meeting at one place we have visited to go over the possible standards and work process we have done for them, and then off to Cajun country for a few more days. 

So by being in a meeting room with no windows all day and little contact with the outside, there is not much to tell other that it was a very tedious day, working on stuff that probably will get changed again once we see it in action.

Dinner was not too bad, had the left over Cajun from Sunday lunch and a glass of wine.  Will see how many heartburn pills I need before bed time?  Ha!.

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